Our Products

Charnwood Cranmore 7 Woodburning Stove


The Cranmore 7 uses Charnwood clean burn Blu technology for an exceptionally efficient 7kw output and has been awarded a clearSkies level 5 rating.

It is available in a range of colours and features a firm close, cool-to-touch, handle for safe and easy reloading.

It is incredibly simple to operate with one single air control and features a Sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal.

2 in stock


  • SIA Eco Design Ready
  • Cleanburn Airwash Technology
  • Quattroflow Air Management System
  • Cool-to-touch for safe and easy reloading
  • Drop down throat plate enabling the chimney to be swept through the stove
  • DEFRA exempt for burning wood in smoke control areas
  • Exceeds new Eco Design standards
  • Meets the UK building requirements for installation with a 12mm non-combustible hearth
  • Sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal

Enquiry: Charnwood Cranmore 7 Woodburning Stove

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